
Saturday, July 4, 2009


Procedures help us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions eg step by step method to germinate seeds.
The text below is an example of a procedure. The labels show the structure and language features of procedure text.
Procedures begin by outlining an aim or goal.
Sometimes there is a list of the materials and equipment needed.
The steps are then listed in order.

Example of a procedure: shows the structure and language features of a procedure text.

Writing procedures
When writing procedures you should:
• use present tense eg spray
• include technical terms when you need to eg friable
• use words that tell the reader how, when and where to perform the task eg fill, firmly.
Use the sample procedure to answer the following questions.

1. List two words from the text that are written in present tense.

2. List as many words as you can that indicate how, when and where the task should be carried out.

Practice writing a procedure by writing instructions for someone else to:
• start a lawnmower
• make a banana smoothie
• use a microscope
• your choice.
Write a draft using the procedure sample as a model.
Suggested answers

1 . Words that are written in the present tense include: follow, fill, incorporate, scatter, cover, spray, place.

2. Words that indicate how, when and where include: incorporate, scatter, cover, place, fill, press, firmly.

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