
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How To Write A Book

The passion for writing does not necessarily mean that one can come up with a great novel. Ideas may be born from reading other books, but this won't guarantee that the book you write will be nearly as good as what you patterned it from. It may not even turn out very book-like at all. In fact, there might be a good chance that the book will not materialize.
In this regard, the immediate issue is how to write a book . Book writing for the first time is much like any activity being done for the first time. The only difference is, most activities have fixed how-to guides. Unfortunately, guides on how to write a book would vary greatly from one another.

In all honesty, anyone can write a book . It does not require a license or permission. As long as the words flow, you can string them together and make a coherent flow of thought from them. Put it on paper and there you have the beginnings of a book. The end result may be dragging or plain boring, but it may be the other way around and be loved by many.

Writing a book is easy, but writing a good book is another thing. Any book may be written by putting words on paper, binding the leaves, and sell it to the public or give it away. But writing a good book is a little more complicated. Why? It is because you need to put in extra effort in writing a good book. You need to work.

This work would include selecting a theme for the book's story. A sensible plot is needed. A little research on the subject matter is mediocre at best, an in-depth one would provide excellent results. A coherent formation of thoughts will best convey the book's purpose. A widely appreciated topic can be the basis of the book, allowing easy immersion in the readers' world.

There really is no secret to writing a book. There's no magic involved. How to write a book relly depends on each individual. It is dependent on each author-to-be's style. It may start with how he or she was inspired to write a book and it may end with the same event or object that sparked that inspiration. Some may write nonstop until the book is complete and some may take a breather every few chapters.

Anyone can write a book . It is just a matter of style and choice whether a book will be created. There really is no one ultimate guide on how to write a book . The instructions are within each and every author.
by Shannon Sobcheck

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