
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Experimental report

Experimental reports are very important in your course. You will use this type of writing to describe experiments and to explain what you have learned from them. It is a mix of text types.

The aim describes what you were trying to find out.

Sometimes a list of materials and equipment is included -- this part can be called the apparatus.
The method lists the steps you carried out during the experiment.
A diagram is often included in the method as it can give a clear, concise description of how any apparatus was set up. In the example given the method is written as a procedure text in the present tense. At other times the method is written in the third person and in the past tense.

The results section describes what happened. (This is a report text.) The results are often graphed if appropriate.

The conclusion explains what you found out. (This is an explanation text.) A discussion may be included in the conclusion or sometimes it is included in a separate section. (This is often an exposition text.)

Sample aim and method written as a procedure
Another sample method
The results section and conclusion form a sample experimental report

Refer to the sample experimental report and information on other text types to answer these questions.

1. The aim and method are in the form of a procedure text. What are the language features and structure of procedure text?

2. The results section is in the form of a report text. What are the language features and structure of report text?

3. The conclusion is in the form of a explanation text. What are the language features and structure of explanation text?

Suggested answers
Experimental report

1. The text includes words in the present tense. There are technical terms and words that indicate how, when and where to carry out the experiment. There is an aim, list of materials and steps to follow.

2. The results begin with a general statement. The table contains facts describing the plants in the experiment. Technical terms are used. The words are in the present tense.

3. The conclusion begins by describing the phenomenon, in this case the influence of soil on tomatoes. An explanation follows. Technical language is used. It is written in the present. Words like ‘so’ show cause and effect.

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