
Sunday, January 11, 2009

How to Stop Smoking - The Best Way For You

Want to know how to stop smoking? Find out the best way for you in this article.
You already know that smoking's harmful to your health.

Here's just a quick reminder of what you can expect from smoking.
1. Higher risk of lung cancer (90 percent of lung cancer cases are due to smoking)
2. Higher risk of a heart attack (nicotine causes hardening and blocking of the arteries, this may cause poor circulation to the heart thus stopping it!)
3. Higher risk of a stroke (clogged blood vessels means blood cannot get to the brain therefore causing a stroke)
4. Impotence (also due to poor blood circulation)
5. Mouth ulcers
6. Paler skin
7. Many more

You probably already new the above effects but if you didn't, then it doesn't matter because you do now. After knowing the above giving up would seem like a good idea.

But the big question always remains of How to stop smoking and what is the best way.
The best way to quit smoking depends upon the individual. Here are some of the methods to give up smoking and you can decide which way suits you based on the information provided.

Giving up slowly:
This is favoured amongst most people because itputs less pressure on them. Many people have succeeded in giving up this way and you can to. Alot of people fail this though for one reason, they end up where back where they started. Most people who go down this route try to cut down by a certain amount each day or week, but this proves to hard so they slow down until the numbers never go down. But they do go back up again.

If you choose this method always put the following 3 tips into play
Tip 1: Set a realistic but meaningful goal.
Setting a goal to high may prove too hard and setting one too low means you get no-where.
Tip 2: Stick to your goal
Fail to stick to the goal and fail to give up smoking.
Tip 3: You don't need to smoke a whole cigarette.

You may favour just smoking part of the cigarette to cutting down the numbers.
Recommended for those with stressful or busy lives.

Giving up quickly (cold turkey):
This method is tough and the success rate is low. The following 7 tips should put you head and shoulders above the rest who've tried.
Tip 1: Know why you feel like smoking.
The subconscious part of your brain's programmed to get you to carry on smoking. To give up, this must be altered. Not smoking for a prolonged period will solve this, but it takes time.
Tip 2: Keep away from smoking friends.
This may mean less trips to the pub but if you want to succeed having people aroung you smoking will be a liability.
Tip 3: Avoid stress.
Stress drains willpower so if you've got a stressful life it may be wiser to try giving up slowly (stated above).
Tip 4: Don't look back.
Why you started doesn't matter anymore, all that matters now is how you deal with it.
Tip 5: Keep away from nags.
These people are even worse than smoking friends because they just get you wound up and stressed (which we already know kills willpower)
Tip 6: Stay away from excuses.
Can you go for a month without smoking? No, then you're dependent on cigarettes. Addictions play tricks on you and will give all sorts of reasons for you to start smoking again. Don't listen to them.
Tip 7: Comfort eating's not allowed.
Do you want to put on weight? It may be tempting to eat a lot but keep your diet right or you'll have another problem to deal with.

Recommended for those who've got less stressful lives and those who want very quick results.
Nicotine patches:
Supposedly the easy way, unfortunately it very rarely works (if at all). You may wish to try this way but don't expect miracles.
These are the common ways of how to stop smoking. Only you can decide the best way to go for you.

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